
Mike Barr

Moments from a life on two wheels.

In his memoir/technical handbook "On Writing", Stephen King wrote the following: "Life isn't a support system for art. It's the other way around." When I quit my job to travel the world back in 2017, I packed my life onto the back of a motorcycle and hit the road. In the 50,000 miles since, I've traveled to every country in North America. I've ridden through hurricanes, slept at highway rest stops, been stopped at gunpoint in Mexico, and more. And during every moment of those 50,000 miles, I've looked at the world through my lens with that quote in the back of my mind: my art should support my life, rather than my life supporting my art. This is a collection of images from my life as a motorcycle nomad. There are images from the mountains of British Colombia to rivers and streetside markets of Latin America. As I ride south, this collection will grow. Every print purchased supports this journey of a lifetime, and keeps me going more and more every day.